Article: 3D audio system developed by MP3 pioneer| New Scientist: "The new technology uses a principle known as 'wave field synthesis' to create complex audio illusions for everyone within a defined space. Computers are used to predict the way multiple sound waves will interact with each other within a space. Then, a multitude of small speakers - as many as 400 positioned around a large space - are used to mimic this interaction.
The end result can be dramatic, says Herbert Buchner, a 3D audio researcher at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany, and not involved in the project. 'Using wave field synthesis you can control the whole room within the enclosed speaker area,' he told New Scientist. 'You really do have a 3D impression. If you close your eyes, you feel like you can reach out and touch it.'
The end result can be dramatic, says Herbert Buchner, a 3D audio researcher at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany, and not involved in the project. 'Using wave field synthesis you can control the whole room within the enclosed speaker area,' he told New Scientist. 'You really do have a 3D impression. If you close your eyes, you feel like you can reach out and touch it.'